Recent changes to the public school lunch program

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131521994

As part of former First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move Initiative to end childhood obesity, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was signed in 2010. This Act allowed the USDA, for the first time in over 30 years, the chance to make real reforms to school meals and guidelines.  

Task: Do some research on the recent changes to the public school lunch program. What are the benefits to the program and what are the concerns. Students with last names beginning with M through Z will take the "Pro" view on the school lunch initiative and will point out its merits. Students with last names beginning with A through L will take the "Con" view of the initiative and point out its faults. Also feel free to share personal stories of any school lunch issues and what changes you think might work for our dietary health.

Before you begin posting, be sure to do some solid research on the topic. This is not about politics, so don't focus your thinking or post on it. Focus on what the act actually states. Then argue your point (either "Pro" or "Con") based on your last name using solid facts you find during your research.  Be sure to cite your sources.

200 word minimum

Reference no: EM131521994

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