Receive public education tailored to their unique needs

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Reference no: EM133732564

Discussion 1

Read and respond be sure to make substantive and constructive comments. For example, add something from your own experience, something you've read or seen. If the situation calls for it, feel free to state an opinion, but be sure to state any points with which you agree and/or those with which you disagree, as well as your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing. Three sentences for each response. Reference APA style if the references are different, please separate references

Response to Discussion 4


1) Commitment to Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE): Both the 1975 and 1997 reauthorizations of IDEA emphasize the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to children with disabilities. This fundamental principle ensures that all children, regardless of their disabilities, receive public education tailored to their unique needs.

Inclusive Education: Both reauthorizations stress the importance of educating children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. This principle promotes inclusion and encourages the placement of children in general education settings whenever possible, supported by appropriate services and accommodations.

Legal Mandates for Service Provision: Both acts mandate that specific services be provided to children with disabilities to support their educational development. This includes the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which outlines the services, support, and accommodations each child will receive.


Scope of Services:

1975 (Public Law 94-142): Initially focused on providing education to all school-age children with disabilities. It established the right to public education but did not mandate preschool services.

1997 (Public Law 105-17): Expanded the scope to include preschool children and infants/toddlers through Part B and Part C, respectively. It emphasized inclusion in natural environments for younger children and strengthened the role of families in the early intervention process.

Family Involvement:

1975: Family involvement was recognized, but the role of families was not as strongly emphasized as in later versions.

1997: Placed a greater emphasis on the integral role of families in the educational process, reinforcing their involvement through the Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP) for infants and toddlers. This reauthorization highlighted families as key partners in early intervention and educational planning.

Terminology and Inclusion Policies:

1975: Focused on providing necessary services but did not use contemporary terms like "developmentally delayed."

1997: Allowed states to use terms like "developmentally delayed" to describe young children, reflecting a more nuanced understanding of developmental issues. It also emphasized inclusion in the least restrictive and most natural environments, promoting integration over isolation.

Reference no: EM133732564

Questions Cloud

Describe the process of intervention-steps : Describe the process of intervention-steps and why? Why was the negotiation training necessary before the actual negotiations could be done?
What is a mental status examination (mse) : What is a mental status examination (MSE) and What are the main components of a thorough suicide assessment interview
Observe a woman standing on the sidewalk smoking joint. : You are a police officer on routine patrol in virginia. It's 11:00 p.m. and while touring your beat, you observe a woman standing on the sidewalk smoking joint.
Explain the difference between sweet and hot jazz : Explain the difference between sweet and hot Jazz, identifying at least two specific musical characteristics of each style.
Receive public education tailored to their unique needs : State any points with which you agree and/or those with which you disagree, as well as your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing
Would you be willing to go to school for six years : Would you be willing to go to school for 6 years (4 years for a Bachelors Degree and an additional 2 years for a Master's Degree? Why?
Exclusion of relevant and reliable evidence : The difficulty with the common law hearsay rule is that it leads to the exclusion of relevant and reliable evidence.
Do you think of the book of genesis as a myth : Do you think of the book of Genesis as a myth, history, or science? Explain your view and the reason for your choice.
Identify something you learned through operant conditioning : Write a paragraph explaining an example of classical conditioning in your own life. Identify something you learned through operant conditioning.


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