Recall time when piece of media-such as a book

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Reference no: EM133486084

Scenario 1: Recall a time when a piece of media, such as a book, or news article, had a significant impact on you.

a) Briefly describe this piece of media and why it had a significant impact on you.

b) Did this experience impact how you interact with others? Why or why not?

Scenario 2: You are a co-worker. Your manager assigns all his work to you. Your co-worker is under the impression that your manager and founder are friends.

a) How would you handle this situation with the manager? Explain

b) Imagine that your manager was completing his work in a timely manner outside of normal hours, but still behaving inappropriately while in the office. Would this change your opinion? Why/ why not

Scenario 3: You are a friend. Mike's bike is stolen over the weekend. Mike tags the thief, Eric on Instagram with a blurry image. Mike wasn't sure whether Eric stole it. Eric's reputation can be damaged through his post.

a) Do you think that posting about the stolen bike on social media was the most effective way to handle this situation? Why or why not?

b) Imagine that Mike decides to confront Eric to ask if he stole the bike. How should he approach this conversation? Explain.

Scenario 4: You are a co-worker. Your co-worker Lisa often gets verbally attacked by your boss. As a co-worker, you wanted to help Lisa and asked her if she needed any help. But Lisa doesn't want anyone else to intervene in the situation.

a) What do you think is the best course of action in this situation?

b) Lisa, your co-worker, wants to handle this situation on her own. Imagine that you decide to talk to Lisa about the situation, knowing that one of your co-workers has already done so. How would you approach this conversation?

Scenario 5: You have been working at a job for 6 months, It's exactly your field of expertise, and hope to begin a career in this field, However, you regularly find yourself w/out any work to do.

a) What steps, if any, would you take to ensure you are able to contribute to your team even though work was not assigned to you? Explain.

b) Imagine that a co-worker told you they are having a similar experience and felt demoralized. What advice would you give your co-worker to help to increase morale? Explain.

Scenario 6: You are a friend. Your friend missed an exam and you called him 20 times. Upon asking, he admitted that he is depressed and not feeling himself. He doesn't want help and doesn't want you to inform anybody. You're worried about him.

a)Your friend is lacking the motivation to do things. What would you do in this situation? Explain.

b) Your friend asks you for advice on how he can ensure that he grows from this experience. What advice would you give to him? Explain.

Reference no: EM133486084

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