Recall a great story from your grandparent

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Reference no: EM133230550

Assignment - NVCC Family Narrative Essay

Description - Recall a Story From a Grandparent

Objectives - Students will -

-Practice writing a three paragraph narrative.

-Use MLA formatting to set up the paper.

-Use past tense verbs and first person point of view.

Directions - Write a three paragraph essay (narrative - 1st or 3rd person - past tense). Recall a great story from your grandparent, or parent, aunt uncle - someone older than you. Write it from your point of view or his/her/their point of view.

Example: 'My grandma, Blanche, used to love baking apples and cinnamon. I remember the house would smell so delightful....'


'As I a new grandmother, I love baking apples and cinnamon for my granddaughter because she loves eating them and it also makes the house smell so nice'

Use details - use your senses - think about chronology (start at the beginning or middle or end, and then go back)

You can tell the story from the beginning (Once upon a time there was this woman...) and then continue through the story to the end.

You can tell the story from the middle (There she was, standing at the bus stop...) and then jump to the beginning and then tell the story until the end.

You can start from the end (AND that was how we all got rich!) and then jump to the beginning and then tell the story until you are back at the end again.

This can be a story from your past that includes someone from your family. Just remember, it needs to only have past tense verbs and be in 1st person point of view (I, we, my, us, our).

Reference no: EM133230550

Questions Cloud

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Recall a great story from your grandparent : Recall a great story from your grandparent, or parent, aunt uncle - someone older than you. Write it from your point of view or his/her/their point of view
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Identify what proposed areas of law have been violated : Identify the final decision, and explain the rationale behind the final decision made by the US Supreme Court and Identify what proposed area(s) of law


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