Reasons for failure or success

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133187169

To expand the use of strategic management in groups. Rather than focusing on control, planning will focus on accelerating team learning. By focusing on the line executives, learning and acting will become inextricably linked. In a performance review, this translates into genuinely attempting to comprehend the reasons for failure or success.

As a result, open communication will be valued, and defensive routines will be discouraged. A widespread sense of direction will also be sought, so that each unit understands its place in the organization.

A focus on customers and end-users, whether outside or inside the organization, is part of this understanding.

The Assignment

Provide an evaluation of your overall plan (you do need to have references from your book on leadership, your textbook, and an applicable journal). As you can see, this final journal has a substantial point difference from your first two journals. That is because much more information is expected/required from you for this journal.

Prior to writing this journal, you should go back and review the work you have done over the course of this semester, especially your strategic plan. This journal should build on your experiences and growth over the duration of this course.

Be sure to answer the following questions in this final journal entry:

  • State what you decided to take the lead on or the change you implemented.
  • How was your plan received by your superiors and/or followers and colleagues?
  • How has your plan evolved from what you initially intended to focus on?
    • Often times our plans change depending on the circumstance and feedback we receive and that's okay. It's important to be adaptive and have an open mind. 
  • What would you have done differently or improved upon?
    • No one is perfect and hindsight is 2020 so saying that you would not change anything is unacceptable!
  • What are your next steps (how will you continue to evolve and improve upon this plan)?
    • I don't expect you to complete everything within the parameters of this course. This is simply a starting point for you so you should have a plan to continue what you have begun. 
  • What have you learned about your leadership style throughout this process?
    • Has your leadership style changed/evolved?
    • Have you discovered any areas for improvement and/or areas that you really excel?
  • How did you (or will you) evaluate the plan to determine if it was successful?
    • Show the actual instrument (survey, questionnaire, etc.) you are using to evaluate your plan here. If you are using questionnaire, do not simply type out your questions. Please show what you intend to distribute or have distributed. You can copy and paste your survey or whatever it is that you decided to use or you can attach it as an additional document. This should be something measurable. (BE CREATIVE)
  • How did you incorporate the leadership style you presented on in module 4 into this process? Did this implementation process indicate that a different leadership style better suits you?
  • How did you incorporate what you learned from the book on leadership you selected into this process?
  • Use at least three references, including your textbook, the book you selected on leadership, and any applicable journal articles to support your claims

Reference no: EM133187169

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Reasons for failure or success : To expand the use of strategic management in groups. Rather than focusing on control, planning will focus on accelerating team learning.
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