Real-time security control system for smoke

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131504364

Overall report requirements for project:

Topic: Real-time Security control System for Smoke and fire detection Using Zigbee and GSM-SMS method

Aim of the project: To find the exact location of the fire and send SMS messages in the mobile phones.

Also prepare five methodologies for the project and compare.

Roles & responsibilities of each team member (in detail)

Gantt chart appropriate to the project

Project diagram

Project Methodology: Project with block diagrams step by step

You can use UML/Use cases/ flow charts

Budget with references

Detailed budget with specifications if not given in section 4

Overall report requirements for MN 691 project:

Topic: Real-time Security control System for Smoke and fire detection Using Zigbee and GSM-SMS method

Aim of the project: To find the exact location of the fire and send SMS messages in the mobile phones.

Also prepare 5 methodologies for the project and compare.

6. Research methods to be used for the next stage of the project

Roles & responsibilities of each team member

Gantt chart appropriate to MN692 project

Research methods to be used for MN692

7. Conclusion and limitations
Clear and concise limitations to implement plan in MN692


Report format
Final report format along with addressing all assignments comments. This section marks are also include team participation.
IEEE Transactions on Networking style
Participation and Attendance
Marks will be given for attendance in all classes including supervisor's meeting and participate in the project work and report.

Verified Expert

In the given document there are few question related to to the given case study. To solve these problem we should have proper knowledge of Real time security control system ,.In the document we have discussed about security control system used in IT Department..

Reference no: EM131504364

Questions Cloud

Borrower qualification considers : Borrower qualification considers all of the following except
What is yield to maturity : The bond has a coupon rate of 8% and is currently selling for $950. What is the yield to maturity?
Measure the variability of individual stocks : Describe how variance and standard deviation are used to measure the variability of individual stocks.
Analyzing the information contained in the given video : Analyzing the information contained in the video, identify at least four internal controls effective in mitigating employee theft and / or fraud.
Real-time security control system for smoke : Real-time Security control System for Smoke and fire detection Using Zigbee and GSM-SMS method-To find the exact location of the fire
What are the four contingencies of reinforcement : What are the four contingencies of reinforcement? Explain each and provide an example. A kitchen table costs $410. sales tax is $24.60. What is sales tax rate
Ratio analysis for both wal-mart and sears : Conduct a ratio analysis for both Wal-Mart and for Sears (Sears Holdings) for the last three years. Amongst other ratios, be sure to include the DuPont Analysis
Compute the percentage total return : A stock has an initial price of $100 per share, paid a dividend of $2.00 per share during the year, and had an ending share price of $125.
Globalization and international investing : "Globalization and International Investing" Please respond to the following:



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6/16/2017 4:11:55 AM

are u guy will give the hole project by tomorrow please confirm. if guys confirm that will be great. Hi, thanks a lot for your confirmation. I found that many of the points are given in the marking criteria that need to be covered, such as the Gantt chart, Budget, etc. please do not forget to add them. please cross-check thanks..

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