Real business value and staying power

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133067021


Discuss how you can differentiate between a fly-by-night product or approach and one with real business value and staying power. What sources of information do you trust? What criteria do you apply to make your decisions?

Reference no: EM133067021

Questions Cloud

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Real business value and staying power : Discuss how you can differentiate between a fly-by-night product or approach and one with real business value and staying power.
Maintain auto exhaust control devices : Does anyone have an incentive to maintain auto exhaust control devices in good working order? How can we ensure that they will be maintained?
Explain three distinct bases for strategic positioning : Explain three distinct bases for strategic positioning as proposed by Porter (1996)
Axon launches mobile app for body camera : "Axon Launches Mobile App for Body Camera with Remote Livestreaming and Critical Real-Time Alerts"
Poverty and gender discrimination : Poverty and gender discrimination: political empowerment. Need an explanation on this topic.


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