Readings on for-profit higher education ventures

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133409755


Are for-profits profiting, and are students profiting from them academically? For-profit higher education institutions are cropping up worldwide and students are flocking to them. In some cases, institutions with campuses in multiple countries offer students the opportunity to study abroad for the same tuition charged at their home campus, allowing even students from less robust economies to study abroad. For-profit colleges and universities are often maligned in the news, yet they are moving forward in areas that traditional higher education institutions are neglecting.

This Discussion asks you to analyze the readings on for-profit higher education ventures, financing higher education, privatization, and distance education to analyze the desirability of for-profits.

Reference no: EM133409755

Questions Cloud

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Readings on for-profit higher education ventures : This Discussion asks you to analyze the readings on for-profit higher education ventures, financing higher education, privatization.
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Article-translating for parents means growing up : Article name: Translating for Parents Means Growing Up. What are possible counterarguments to the text's claims?
Do you think this poem is about glorifying war : Do you think this poem is about glorifying war? Why or why not? Let's listen to the Canadian poet Leonard Cohen's reading.


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