Readings about visual communication

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Reference no: EM133146701

Choose the best answer for each question.

In order to meet new FAA safety requirements, the St. Louis downtown airport released a bid for the painting and reflective beading of its runway intersections as well as directional surface signage for parking at the gates. In addition to the new airport markings, all airfield workers involved in using the markings were required to be trained on the signage and what it meant.

Based on your readings about visual communication, why is it important for the airfield workers to receive training on the new visual cues?

Training of the airfield workers will allow supervisors to identify which ones learn faster and are best suited for additional responsibilities.

The training of the airfield workers will reduce the chances they will leave and reduce the company's cost to replace them.

The airfield workers need to be trained in order to bring more creativity and innovation skills to their jobs.

The airfield workers need to know how to decode the visual markings because there are no written words to help them.

2. Between 1908 and 1912, standardization of musical accompaniment in the U.S. film industry coincided with the transition of the viewing spaces to auditoriums. Theater owners hired better musicians, and viewers began to expect continuous musical accompaniment to go with the silent films. Eventually, film studios circulated cue sheets, a list of specific musical pieces for individual films. Some studios even began to provide the sheet music for the musicians to play.

Based on your reading, why would film studios want to standardize the music that was played while showing their films?

Ensuring that the music was standardized for silent films allowed the film studios to better relate to the audience.

The coordination and standardization of audio with visual allowed the film's message to be more emotionally and effectively communicated.

Standardizing music for silent films allowed the theater owners to better manage the musicians they hired.

Standardizing the audio portion of a silent film gave moviegoers more value for their money, and they were willing to pay higher ticket prices.

3. An employee at an advertising company developed an illness that put her in the hospital, and she was subsequently off from work for almost four weeks. After returning to work for a month, she developed another, unrelated, illness that landed her in the ICU, followed shortly by two surgeries to correct the health issue. She missed another two weeks of work during the second illness. During the time she was off, her teammates gladly covered her workload. However, three weeks after her return to work the second time, she was again absent for a week. During that time, she sent an email to some of her friends at work with a photo showing her relaxing on a beach in Mexico and stating, "Don't be jealous!" Inadvertently, she sent the email to one of her teammates who had done much of her work while she was gone. She meant to send it to someone else whose name was similar, and the software autofilled her teammate's address instead. Her teammate was quite unhappy and forwarded the email to their supervisor. Upon her return to work, the employee was called in her supervisor's office and, while she wasn't dismissed, she was reprimanded and lost a week's pay.

Based on your reading, which of the following statements explains what the employee should have done to avoid this situation?

The employee should have asked her friends at work to delete the message to the teammate.

The employee should not have included an attachment in the email.

The employee should have sent a follow-up message requesting that the message be destroyed.

The employee should have verified each email address before sending the message.

4. In February 2018, the New York Police Department began implementing implicit bias training for its 36,000 sworn personnel to help them explore the unconscious associations that might affect their split-second decisions and individual interactions. A study published in July 2020 by the John F. Finn Institute for Public Safety and the Center for Police Research and Policy showed that NYPD officers "expressed more awareness of the concept of implicit bias and greater willingness to try to manage it." However, researchers did not detect effects of the training on officers' enforcement behaviors. Still, the training continues to be required, and the policy department says that it believes the training has been beneficial.

Which of the following statements explains why implicit bias training is perceived by the NYPD as important in terms of interpersonal communication?

The implicit bias training allows the police department to identify officers with deeply seated biases and fire them to stop negative interactions with citizens.

Because every individual has some type of bias, learning about and becoming aware of these biases is a step toward eliminating stereotyping in interactions with citizens.

The implicit bias training is important to the police department because it meets the requirement to receive federal training dollars.

Training to reduce implicit bias is helpful for the officers who are under an enormous amount of stress to communicate well due to the danger they face in their jobs.

5. During a recent Zoom classroom session, one of the professors turned off his camera and microphone and was absent for approximately ten minutes. Fortunately, there was another instructor on the video conference, although the discussion was put on hold until the professor returned. Upon his return to the conference, he apologized to the students and said that he'd received a call from the dean of his college and needed to speak to him. The students accepted his apology, and no one complained about the interruption.

Which statement best explains why the students so readily accepted the situation and the professor's apology?

Being understanding and accepting is always a good idea when dealing with people who are in a position of power over you.

The students accepted the professor's apology because the discussion was quite informal.

Although the interruption was quite long, the students accepted the apology because they wanted the professor to give them a good grade.

The students understood that hierarchy in communication between individuals matters, and the dean ranked higher than they did.

6. The assistant director of a graduate program was older than the director of the program, and it was obvious that their communication styles were not the same. In the past, the assistant director would call and leave voicemail messages, which were very seldom returned. However, when it was imperative for him to communicate with the director, he would send a text. In almost all situations when the director received a text, she would respond. While the assistant director preferred talking on the phone and getting immediate feedback, he came to realize that his boss did not communicate that way and texts were the best way to reach her.

Why was it important for the assistant director to recognize how best to communicate with his boss?

It was important for the assistant director to show deference to his boss in order to maintain a cordial relationship.

Switching communication techniques is a way for the assistant director to demonstrate to his boss that he is a capable employee.

Communicating regularly with his boss was important in order for the assistant director to maintain his job.

As an effective communicator, the assistant director needed to be aware of different communication styles and when it was appropriate to make changes.

7. In a recent job interview, a recently retired Air Force colonel used many acronyms to describe the work he had performed during his 25 years of active-duty service. Because the interviewers were not familiar with the military acronyms, they were not certain the applicant's experience aligned with the job description, and the applicant was not selected.

Which of the following statements best describes what the applicant could have done better to communicate with the interviewers?

The applicant should have taken more time to make a good first impression instead of assuming his rank would impress the interviewers.

The applicant should have been more willing to listen to the interviewers and paid more attention to them.

The applicant should have been more understanding of the interviewers' opinions and more interested in what they had to say.

The applicant should have attempted to know his audience better and realized they would not relate to the military acronyms.

8. During a university orientation, several students in the same program got to know one another and started to hang out. One of the male students, attracted to a female student, started asking her inappropriate questions of a sexual nature, sometimes when they were alone but also when they were with other students. One of the other students reported the comments to an advisor, who was required to report it to the university, and an investigation was opened by the university's Title IX Office. During the investigation, the female student was asked to document what happened and produced screenshots of texts and wrote down conversations that had occurred. Witnesses were also asked to provide written documentation of the inappropriate questions and the context in which they were asked. The investigation took several months, with the final decision requiring the male student to have no contact with the female student.

Why was it important for the student to provide written communication in this situation?

The written documentation enabled the female student to collaborate with the witnesses and make sure their stories were the same.

Writing down what happened was important in order so the female student could more widely distribute the information about how she was harassed.

Registering a complaint with the university in writing created a contract between the female student and the investigators.

Because people's memories can be faulty over time, the written documentation helped the Title IX officials keep track of the facts.

Reference no: EM133146701

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