Reading for research strategies

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Reference no: EM133653111

Business Skills for Postgraduates

Week 8 - Reading and summarising

In-class summarising activity
Business in the news (step 1)
What's your superpower?

APA 7th end-text referencing

Workshop learning outcomes
Reading for research strategies
Managing use of internet tools and mitigating risk of allegations of misconduct

Week 9 Summarising practice

Nobel Prize synthesis activity
Editing, adding visuals, and referencing
Consider another perspective
Well-being check in

Learning Outcomes
Synthesise evidence to support an argument
Write a coherent, cohesive paragraph that will inform, persuade, and engage an audience 
Skillfully use and correctly cite sources to add credibility, depth, and tangibility to an argument

Week 10 - Developing an argument
Still to do Maybe add optional slide of completing the research or writing
Put your work from Workshop
Further research
Practice synthesising
Write your introduction
Practise referencing

Learning outcomes
Construct an informative and persuasive argument, in an essay or business report structure
Use evidence to support the argument and engage the audience
Control the narrative and create flow using the author's critical voice

Week 11 - Editing, formatting, and proofreading

Add meaning by presenting evidence in a different way

Learning outcomes
Understand the value and process of
editing, formatting and proofreading of
text, images, and evidence

Attachment:- Portfolio_Chapter.rar

Reference no: EM133653111

Questions Cloud

What was the creperies productivity : Prior to making changes to their process, what was the Creperie's productivity in terms of crepes produced per minute?
What deferred tax liability would isaac report : Ignoring operating expenses and additional sales in 2025, what deferred tax liability would Isaac report in its year-end 2025 balance sheet?
Identify two different welfare services for children : Identify two different welfare services for children and explain what these services do to promote and protect two or more of the rights you have just listed
How does why-lighting help students test performance : How does WHY-lighting help students' test performance? Explain. What is your game plan for acing the Module 1 test?
Reading for research strategies : Academic Business Skills for Postgraduates - Reading for research strategies Write a coherent, cohesive paragraph that will inform, persuade, and engage
Write a paper discussing lessons learned from interviews : Conduct interviews with entrepreneurs who have experience in launching and growing businesses. Write a paper discussing lessons learned from these interviews.
What is relevant law : Level 1 of model of title assurance requires you to identify the source of law. For the purchase of freehold "Torrens title" land in WA, what is relevant law?
Analyze what you believe to be the problem : Analyze what you believe to be the problem. Think about the issues in the context of organizational culture, process, and communications.
Developing new research project : A Principal Investigator (PI) at OUHSC is developing a new research project and determines it is exempt from IRB review and the regulations.


Write a Review

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