Reference no: EM133781420
Demonstrate deeper or broader thoughts about a topic, rather than just rephrasing what the textbook has to say on the topic.
? Response encourages further discussion and ongoing dialogue with other students in the class.
? Communicate in a professional and supportive manner, and with a respectful tone.
? Include MUST and HAVE proper scholarly citations to support the idea being presented.
Response; I believe that Matthew frequently omits important information. First, it states, in verse 7, that Herod truly sent the Magi, which I was unaware of. Secondly, it mentions Herod's desire to kill the children, which is also omitted, but I recall hearing that mentioned frequently in children's church. I remember that one, then. Additionally, Matthew 1 says in verse 3 that "when Herod learned that Jesus was being born, that Herod and all of Judealum were distrub." I could be misinterpreting it, but that was an intriguing read. Moreover, Luke mentions this woman. Elizabeth and I were unaware that the woman was the mother of John the Baptist; she was acquainted with Mary, and the two of them had somewhat gone through pregnancy together.
It also escaped me that Jesus and John the Baptist were born around the same time. It's interesting, then. and Luke 1 has that. Additionally, Mary visits Elizabeth in chapter 2 and remains with her. After learning that she is expecting a boy, Mary composes songs of praise in verses 46-55. something I was unaware of. Reading the account of Jesus' birth again was fascinating as well. I learned things that I had never heard before.