Read triple aim for populations

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133639545


Read the IHI Triple Aim Initiative page on the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's (IHI) website, read Triple Aim for Populations, and watch the video "An Overview of the IHI Triple Aim," all located on the IHI website. This is all the information needed to complete this.

Select a health care organization with which you work or are familiar.

Assume you are a strategic planning manager with your selected health care organization. You have been asked to evaluation of the IHI Triple Aim goals and how they apply to your organization.

Evaluation of the impact of implementing Triple Aim goals nationally, as well as how they apply to your selected organization. Your evaluation must incorporate three parts:

Part I: IHI Triple Aim Goals

Include the following in your evaluation:

  • An overview of the history of the IHI Triple Aim elements
  • An evaluation of progress to date in meeting these goals nationally
  • A determination of whether these dimensions have been achieved, will be achieved, or cannot be achieved.

Provide a rationale to support your perspective.

Part II: Evaluation of Application of IHI Triple Aim Goals Application in Your Organization

  • Include the following: Identify the data that you analyzed to support your perspective of how each aim can or can't be applied to your organization,
  • Identify the data you would measure to determine the success of each, if applicable to your organization, in the future.

Part III: IHI's Quadruple Aim

Include the following:

  • Analyze the IHI's position on the quadruple aim and whether you believe that it should become the standard for all organizations.
  • Justify your position and support with scholarly literature.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Reference no: EM133639545

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Read triple aim for populations : Read Triple Aim for Populations, and watch the video "An Overview of the IHI Triple Aim," all located on the IHI website.
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Identify a potential cause of the complication : Identify a potential cause of the complication? What are the physiologic changes the RN would notice when assessing a patient with this complication?
Describe relationship between an agonist-partial agonist : Describe the relationship between an agonist, partial agonist and antagonist and how can this be applied to mental health pharmacologic treatments?


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