Reference no: EM133325803
Assignment: 1- Read the bearssim data set into R and name the data set bears.
2-) Obtain the Mean, Median, Standard Deviation, IQR, 0.025 quantile value, and 0.975 quantile value for all variables except Sex. (Note: You need not describe the distributions. Just obtain these statistics.)
3- Combine the values obtained in the previous problem into a single dataset with the following column names and in the following order: Mean, Median, SD, IQR , 0.025, 0.975. Make sure you include these values in the comments in your code, ie, copy and paste the output of this data set to your code.
4- Create 2 subset data sets Male and Female.
5- Create a side by side boxplot of Male and Female weights and be sure to comment on the distribution of each using the 4 items necessary to describe a distribution. (You must use the appropriate measure of center and spread for the given distribution)
6- Determine if there is a difference in the weights of Male and Female bears using α = 0.10. (Remember to comment your code and output well. Don't forget to include the p-value, decision, and conclusion in your comments)
7-) Create a scatterplot of body length and weights and then determine if there is an association between the overall bear weights and body length using α = 0.10 (Remember to comment your code and output well. Don't forget to include the p-value, decision, and conclusion in your comments. Also remember you need to provide the 3 things to describe the association and this includes the correlation value.)