Read one of the latest news articles on spsp website

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Reference no: EM131614401

What is social psychology and what do social psychologists do? Visit the above websites and explore them. Make sure to click on a few "Meet a Social Psychologist" listings (right-hand side) on the APA site.

Tell us about two of them you were most interested in and what you learned about them that was appealing.

Also, share about something you found interesting within the "Society for Personality & Social Psychology" website.

Read one of the "Latest News" articles on SPSP website and share what you learned from that article with the class.

Provide an initial post answering/responding to the above directions. While there is no word count, usually a minimum of 250 words will allow you to express your findings/opinions.

Reference no: EM131614401

Questions Cloud

Write a paper about jackson pollack : Write a paper about jackson Pollack. It needst o be 4 pages long double spaced in apa format, with at least 3 sources.
Prepare a production cost report for the welding department : The Welding Department of Healthy Company - Prepare a production cost report for the Welding Department for the month of February
Greatest impact in todays world o broadcasting : Explain why though telegraph was the first to provide electronic communication
Traditional project management : Traditional project management seeks to understand the scope of the project and then control that scope through a change control process.
Read one of the latest news articles on spsp website : Tell us about two of them you were most interested in and what you learned about them that was appealing.
Text and reflect on the information presented : For this Assignment, review Case 14-1, "Global Oil" in Chapter 14 of your course text and reflect on the information presented.
How the issue in general relates to larger societal problem : How professional standards and other resources, in general terms, point toward solutions. How the issue in general relates to larger societal problems.
Employee discipline and discharge : Write paper that addresses the Review Questions 2 and 3 in chapter 20 of the textbook. Include a rationale for your answerspaper.
Discuss distinguish strict liability and vicarious liability : Distinguish strict liability, vicarious liability, and enterprise liability. If you were a judge, would you exclude any of these from criminal law


Write a Review

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