Read information provided and answer the questions

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1328800

Read information provided and answer questions followed.

Clearly define what you believe to be the source of the team's dysfunction. What role did leadership play in creating this dysfunction? What role did the team members play? Was there a disconnect between the objectives or goals of the team and their experience, training, or overall expertise?

Following what you read in the text, map the causes of dysfunction. Please include specific references to how dysfunction is introduced, how it evolved, and its consequences if left unchecked.

Introduce a plan that could be used to overcome these dysfunctions. Included in your plan should be referenced potential changes in goals or objectives of the group, the training and support the group receives, and the strategy that the leader uses in giving input and direction. Also, include a summary of your analysis of the reasons for the team's failure. Give as many specific details as possible.


As Lowe's is in the business in retailing for more than half a century, it has observed series of developments with time and changing international business environment. It has come of age to grow and now in the next stage. It is in the expansion mode where a series of new stores have been opened up in USA and neighboring countries with several others ready to be introduced. Communication has played a vital role in the of Lowe's management team.

Described the kind of communication gaps observed among the team members

There are severe communication issues between the top management and fellow members of the management team. Members of the team should be encourage and motivate to learn the essentials of team management. The executive manager knows the meaning of team management but still lacking the ability to spread the effectiveness throughout the team. That results fellow team members not knowing what needs to be done in order to perform as a whole on daily basis.

Identified the kind of goal the team is following i.e., individual or organizational

Currently, the management team of Lowe's is following individual and organizational goals simultaneously. However, they are pursuing more organizational than individual goal. The team members are following the organizational team mainly for the benefits from the corporate such as paid vacation, bonus, and compensations. Most of the members are pursuing individual goals for betting personal characteristics such as work experiences and team belonging.

Described the kind of skills the team members have

Members of the management team of Lowe's have wide varieties of skill set. All members have been working for Lowe's in different departments prior the formation of the team for numbers of years. The highly skill diverse team has brought various perspectives of operation management to the team. It also reflects how crucial an effective communication method should be established properly due to the different backgrounds of the team members.

Evaluated whether the skills are appropriate to the task in hand and justified the opinion

Members of the management team have brought different perspectives in managing Lowe's due to different skill background. All members had been working for Lowe's and performed well prior the promotion of management position. Therefore, team members are all "fit" for their jobs.

Explained whether all the team members are enthusiastic about the tasks they are doing to achieve the end objective

The drive of team performance is high within the team. Team members are enthusiastic about their daily tasks in order to reach the goals of the store. The drive to perform well is mainly influenced by the financial benefits and personal job achievements.

Examined whether the tasks have been equally divided among the team members

Tasks have not been equally divided mainly due to different management level and job description among the team members. The operational management team for Lowe's home improvement store consists of four department managers, one assistant manager, one sales manager, and one executive manager. The executive manager has the most responsibility among all.

Examined how open the team members are to new approaches suggested by others

Members of the team are not very open to new approaches suggested by others. All managers are performing well individually according to their job description. Every team member is confident in their work and unwilling to adopt different approaches according to different skill backgrounds of others.

Evaluated whether all the team members are clear about who is responsible for what. Identified whether the assignment of this responsibility matches the skills, interests, and training level of those involved

All team members are clear about the requirements to perform well in each department. Each member of the team has to be with the company for a considerable amount of time in order to be able to lead. Managers also have to attend yearly managerial training in order to obtain their jobs and perform better at workplace. Therefore, members of the management team match the skill, interests and training level that are required to fulfill their job requirements.

Identified whether accountability been divided individually or jointly

The managers of the store are all accountable for attaining the goals. The managers have to meet twice a week in order to exchange comments and ensure the development of the team and operational progress of the store. If the goals are not reached managers risk the bonus given by the corporate at the end of the fiscal year. Managers consider the bonus as a big driver for the amount of work put in. Therefore, the consequences support higher level of goal attainment.

Categorized the team as a working group, pseudo team, potential team, or real team based on the information collected

This management team is categorized as a real team due to the fact that they all have complimentary skills, commitment to perform well, dedication to pursuit common goals, mutual responsibility and accountability.

Reference no: EM1328800

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