Read about jane elliott and her work

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Reference no: EM133625818

Assignment: Stereotypes and Prejudice

For this assignment, answer the following questions that we'll discuss during the next class.

Background information on this assignment: There is a cognitive component to stereotypical thinking. We all engage in "categorizing" each other, and in occasionally making snap decisions (either positive or negative) based on the categories that we place others (and ourselves) into. For this assignment, I want you to explore the categories that you find yourself in, the ways in which categorization may influence thoughts and actions, and ways in which prejudice and discrimination can be reduced.

Exploring categories: List some of the "categories" that you belong to, based on things like ethnic heritage, school program, religious or political affiliation, club membership, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Are there any stereotypes associated with any of the groups to which you belong? Are the stereotypes positive or negative, and are they accurate or inaccurate? Please explain the reasoning behind your answer.
Eliminating prejudice & stereotypes: While certain forms of more overt racism and discrimination might not be as prevalent as they were in the past, recent events point to the fact that there are still factors today that contribute to both prejudice and systemic discrimination toward various racial, ethnic, religious, and other marginalized groups in both the US and Canada. Please discuss whether or not you think we will ever be able to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. Provide reasons to back up your answer of yes or no. If yes, then provide your ideas about how you think we'll be able to eliminate these harmful things. If the answer is no, explain why you think prejudice and discrimination will always exist.

Is empathy the answer? Read about Jane Elliott and her work. Do you agree with the methods she used to teach children about prejudice? Explain why or why not.

Reference no: EM133625818

Questions Cloud

What symptoms of extreme mental and emotional distress : What symptoms of extreme mental and emotional distress does Linda Waterfall exhibit that suggest to the nurse that she may be experiencing feelings of anxiety
What would effect of an earthquake be on general population : What would the effect of an earthquake be on the general population? A few consequences may include the loss of power, water, homes, property etc.
Identify four emotions that you might see : Identify four emotions that you might see in young children. Describe the ways in which children express these emotions change from infancy to young childhood
Discuss aspects of the sites geomorphology : Each slide should discuss aspects of the site's geomorphology or relate your observations to relevant literature.
Read about jane elliott and her work : Read about Jane Elliott and her work. Do you agree with the methods she used to teach children about prejudice? Explain why or why not
Why do suicide screening protocols recommend : Why do suicide screening protocols recommend asking about protective factors? They negate any risk factors present and ensure client safety.
Is the tendency for individuals to perform tax : Is the tendency for individuals to perform tax better when in the presence of others group Effectiveness social loafing social facilitation or process gains
Sensitive project involving confidential health information : Imagine you are a health information manger working on a sensitive project involving confidential health information.
How do you see the role of collaboration in the iep process : How do you see the role of collaboration in the IEP process? What can teachers do to ensure parents are part of the collaboration process?


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