Rank the functions by order of growth

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Reference no: EM13774567

1. Evaluate the following. Show all of your work.

(a) 2⌊lg 340⌋

(b ⌈-26.8⌉

(c) ⌊lg 1026⌋

(d) 4 + 8 + 12 + ... + 396 + 400

(e) lg (32888444)

2. Rank the following functions by order of growth. If two or more are of the same order (f(n) and g(n) are in the same class if and only if f(n) = T(g(n))), indicate which.

7n                   2n                   3n (lg n)                  55ln n

2n5 -n3 +n      lg n                  n+ lg n                           2n-1

n3 + lg n            n3                   2 n+2                        20n5+1

n 4                 lg (lg n)        n 4-ε    where  0< ε <1       n!

3. Are the following equations true? (Yes or No) Justify your answer.

(a) 3n2 - 5n = T(n2)

(b) n2 + 7n = O(n)

(c) 3n = O(n!)

(d) 23(n!) = O(nn)

Reference no: EM13774567

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