Range of methods and tools

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Reference no: EM133011000

What is CW1 asking

On your own research, discuss, compare, evaluate and present findings on two of the following technologies: soap, rest, cobra and Java rmi

1. Independently Research chosen technologies (1500w)
2. Case study video (5-8minutes)

Case study video

- Summarises your findings from the main report
- Equates to 20 marks
- The of the video should cover: summarise your 2 chosen technologies and provides rational on the scenarios they would be used in. The video should be well presented making use of visuals and diagrams
- Don't make a horror movie - consider this as a presentation

Detailed guidance

This is an individual task. You will research, discuss, compare, evaluate and present findings on two of the technologies: soap, rest, cobra and java rmi. Alongside the written report, a case study video consisting of 5-8 minutes should be produced which summarises your 2 chosen technologies and provides rational on the scenarios they would be used in.

Feedback, marking criteria and grading of your assessment

This section tells you how the marker will assess your work fairly. All markers aim for our feedback to be: timely, individual to you, helpful, empowering and manageable.

They will also offer you opportunities to discuss the marking criteria they intend to use, and the type of feedback they intend to give you. You should create a shared understanding of this with them and your peers during the course of the module. They may also give you opportunities to assess your own work and the work of your peers. Look out for these opportunities.

Assessment markers can give you feedback and allocate marks to you using a range of methods and tools that are appropriate to the specific module and assessment. The marker may make comments within your script (in bubbles) and may also give you written comments in the long box. They may give you a form of audio or video feedback.
When they give you feedback on your assessment, as a minimum, your marker will tell you:
• if and how you have met the relevant learning outcomes
• the areas within which you did well in this assessment (they will commend you)
• the areas you could have improved in this assessment (they will make suggestions)
• what activities you can work on to help you in your next studies (you can take these ideas forward with you, and may discuss them with your Personal Tutor. You can also build them into your Action Planning.
In this module specifically, they will use the following tools. This feedback and marking structure will be specific to each component as relevant. The Coursework 1 will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Accuracy and Structure 50%: How accurate the key concepts are presented in the report and is it backed by proper references. How well the key concepts are organised in sections and sub-sections etc and are the things in logical order
• Critique 30%: How well technologies have been articulated with indepth exploration on the merits and demerits.
• Video Quality 20%: Overall quality of the case study video including its accuracy, clarity. The video should be well presented making use of visuals and diagrams.

Reference no: EM133011000

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10/12/2021 5:46:35 AM

Please find attached the details. 1500 assignment words in Microsoft Word and a Powerpoint presentation with images that I can use as video and I will record voice on that myself. I have attached assignment brief as well as instructions from the tutor for this assignment. The tutor said in 1500 words I must mention that how the topics relate to real life and mention pros and cons of the topics in to business.

Write a Review

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