Randomized clinical trials

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Reference no: EM132625686

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Randomized Clinical Trials

So far in the course, we have learned that healthcare leaders and managers must seek out credible information and data when decisions are to be made and when educating others. It is vital that they review at least three, preferably more, sources to determine credibility of information. In order to know they are using credible data, it is important for them to have a solid understanding of how data and information are collected and compiled. Knowing what processes and procedures should take place to produce credible data is important. Familiarity with the scientific method is a must.

All studies are subject to bias, some more than others. Even with potential bias, research is critical to literally everything we know and do in the healthcare services field. Knowing research is not perfect, leaders and managers can still use data effectively.

There are many types of bias that can affect research outcomes. For your project this week, thoroughly research and discuss the following types of bias that can affect the credibility of resources. Please give specific examples of how these types of bias can alter results of studies.

Sampling bias

Selection bias

Interviewer bias

Response bias

Observation bias

Leading questions and wording bias

Sponsor bias

Reference no: EM132625686

Questions Cloud

What is the balance in the revenue account : The following normal account balances were found on the general ledger before closing entries were prepared: What is the balance in the Revenue account
Would quit the club : Would you quit the club? You are inducted, you realize that there is an unwritten rule that no minorities are allowed membership.
Would quit the club : Would you quit the club? You are inducted, you realize that there is an unwritten rule that no minorities are allowed membership.
James experiences after abstaining from consuming alcohol : What is the psychological term for the symptoms James experiences after abstaining from consuming alcohol?
Randomized clinical trials : We have learned that healthcare leaders and managers must seek out credible information and data when decisions are to be made
Described the bolman and deal text : described in the Bolman and Deal text, consider researching the Equity, Expectancy, Goal-Setting or Management by Objectives, and Reinforcement theories.
Explain how the time value of money has an impact : Explain how the time value of money has an impact on the potential investment returns and retirement savings of participants
Are not ashame that while take care to acquire as wealth : Are you not ashamed that, while you take care to acquire as much wealth as possible, with honor and glory as well, yet you take no care or thought
Prepare general journal entries to record the transactions : On 1 July 2019 Jenny Ltd issued a prospectus to the public offering 10 million shares at $1.50 each. Prepare general journal entries to record the transactions


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