Reference no: EM133786442
Assignment: Chose the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) or Stages of Change Model. In this model, the key concepts are:
1. Precontemplation: There is no recognition of the need for a behavior change. 2. Contemplation: Thinking about changing. 3. Preparation: Planning for change. 4. Action: Adopting new habits. 5. Maintenance: Ongoing practice of new, healthier behaviors (Glanz, K., n.d.).
I like the gradual step-by-step process of this model. It also takes into consideration that there can be setbacks in progress that can be addressed to get back on track. I felt that this model covered everything I would need to address and help patients create a strategic plan for arthritis management.
1. Precontemplation: Educate and raise awareness about how arthritis can impact quality of life.
2. Contemplation: Encourage patients to consider the benefits of physical activity, diet, and medication adherence.
3. Preparation: Help patients set SMART goals for incorporating activity and provide resources on medications and diet.
4. Action: Support patients in making and implementing a plan.
5. Maintenance: Encourage patients to follow-up and provide support.