Rafsanjani family supported by family wage earned

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Reference no: EM133550971


1. Was the Rafsanjani family supported by a family wage earned by Abbas? Be sure to explain and defend your response.

2. According to the audio essay posted hereLinks to an external site., Abbas and Mina had both a love marriage and an arranged marriage. Explain why and how.

3. The title of the audio essay assigned above is "Not Your Parent's Parent Trap." The Parent Trap was a very popular Disney movie that came out in 1961. It was about a pair of identical twins separated at birth by their divorced parents who accidentally meet one summer and then conspire to get their divorced parents back together again. The Parent Trap (1961) was based on a 1949 Young Adult novel by Erich Kästner called Lottie and Lisa, (first published in German), and then was so popular it got remade in 1998 into another Disney movie starring Lindsay Lohan. (Remember, her)? Anyways, The Parent Trap has been around now for almost sixty years and it was the first Hollywood movie to use the term "broken home." Watch the video below for these words, "broken home" and tell me when they show up, and then just tell me who was the first "broken family" ever featured on national TV and in a national news magazine.

4. In the audio essay about the Rafsanjani family a book is mentioned called Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (1992) by John Gray. Read an excerpt from it hereLinks to an external site. and then decide if this book would have been helpful to Caitlyn and Kris Jenner when after they got a divorce given that Caitlyn is a transgender woman and Kris is a cisgender woman. Be sure to explain and defend your response.

5. Make the argument that Mina and Abbas' cultural background caused their family to dysfunction much in the same way Kelly and Evelyn's family caused their family to dysfunction. In order to get credit for your answer you need to identify each couples cultural background correctly and understand what a dysfunctional family is. Be sure to make your answer long enough, be sure to specifically reference the audio essay assigned directly above Q14 and be sure to explain and defend your response.

Reference no: EM133550971

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