Radiosensitive cells-radioactive placard on vehicle indicate

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Reference no: EM13284629

1. In an emergency situation involving radioactive materials, that is managed under the Incident Command System, the person in charge of the scene is the

A. radiological response team captain

B. State Radiological Health Director

C. survey team leader

D. Incident Commander.

2. Which are the most radiosensitive cells?

A. Muscle cells

B. Nerve cells

C. Blood cells

D. Bone cells

3. During the early phase of a nuclear accident, the EPA Protective Action Guide (PAG) for evacuation or sheltering of the public is

A. .01 -1.0 rem

B. 1.0 -5.0 rem

C. 5.0 - 10.0 rem

D. 10.0 - 15.0 rem

4. A radioactive placard on a vehicle indicates that

A. it is an exclusive use vehicle.

B. it carries one or more packages labeled Radioactive Yellow III and/or LSA material.

C. it is a non-exclusive use vehicle.

D. exposure rates on the surface of the vehicle should not exceed 50 mrem/hr.

5. The role of the radiological response team member in an emergency involving actual or potential radiation releases from a nuclear power plant is defined

A. in State and local radiological emergency response plans.

B. by the Environmental Protection Agency's Protective Action Guides.

C. by the nuclear plant operators.

D. by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

6. The factor which determines where in the body an ingested radioisotope will be most likely to concentrate is its

A. nuclear properties.

B. chemical properties.

C. physical properties.

D. residential properties.

7. One terabecquerel (Tbq) equals 1012 becquerels. In longhand, one terabecquerel would be written as

A. 1,000,000,000,000,000 becquerels

B. 1,000,000,000,000 becquerels

C. 0.0000000000001 becquerels

D. 0.000000001 becquerels

8. During a radiological emergency, offsite authority and responsibility for the health and welfare of the general public rests with

A. State and local officials.

B. Federal Emergency Management Agency officials.

C. Department of Energy officials.

D. the Lead Federal Agency.

9. White radioactive labels on packages at an accident scene tell the responder

A. the exposure rate from those packages will be high.

B. the exposure rate from those packages will be low.

C. the packages contain Fissile Class materials.

D. all of the above.

10. A protective action guide (PAG) is

A. a set of NRC regulations for developing emergency response plans.

B. the nuclear plant licensee's operating manual.

C. an analysis of the economic costs of evacuating versus in-place protection.

D. a projected radiation dose at which a specific protective action is warranted.

11. An example of a biological variability factor is

A. the size of the radiation dose received.

B. the type of radiation.

C. the duration of exposure.

D. the exposed person's age.

12. After an accidental radiation release, short-term environmental monitoring

A. is performed by emergency responders and provides data for determining appropriate action levels and mitigating measures.

B. is performed only by the Department of Energy's FRMAC.

C. is performed by supporting or consulting personnel to provide detailed analyses of radiological hazards and accident consequences.

D. takes precedence over emergency rescue operations.

13. In an incident in which the radiation levels are high but there are no people at risk, time and distance could be incorporated into one protective action strategy by

A. staying out of the radiation area until a cleanup plan is developed.

B. using shovels to quickly bury the source of radiation.

C. building a protective wall around the radiation source.

D. sending radiological monitors into the radiation area on a rotating schedule.

14. The control zone in which response actions should be limited to the shortest possible entry time is the

A. hot zone.

B. cold zone.

C. warm zone.

D. decontamination zone.

15. In defining a radiological problem it is important to consider

A. the external radiation hazard.

B. the internal hazards - ways in which radioactive material may be inhaled, ingested or absorbed.

C. the injury hazards to on-site personnel.

D. all of the above.

16. To maintain a permanent record of radiation exposure, the appropriate dosimetry would be a

A. film badge.

B. TLD badge.

C. pocket ionization chamber.

D. survey meter.

17. While conducting radiological monitoring operations at the scene of an accident, you are tapped on the shoulder and turn to face a reporter with a microphone and a cameraman with his videocamera aimed at your face. In response to the reporter's request for a status report, you

A. point the meter at the reporter and tell her she has 10 seconds to leave or she will die of radiation sickness.

B. follow your agency's plan for working with the media and refer the reporter to the Public Information Officer.

C. stop what you are doing and answer all of the reporter's questions.

D. refer the reporter to the radiological responder who has the most technical background.

18. For emergency response use in keeping track of radiation exposure during the emergency operation, the appropriate dosimetry would be a

A. film badge.

B. TLD badge.

C. pocket ionization chamber.

D. survey meter.

19. An environmental monitoring program must be in place so that in a nuclear incident, potential dose levels may be projected for

A. whole body external exposure.

B. inhalation of suspended particulate radioactive materials.

C. ingestion of contaminated food and water.

D. all of the above.

20. The Department of Energy establishes a Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) in the event of a significant radiological emergency for the purpose of

A. monitoring the performance of Federal agencies.

B. monitoring the performance of State and local agencies.

C. providing technical assistance to the States and the Lead Federal Agency (LFA).

D. all of the above.

21. The measure used to account for biological effect upon tissue is the

A. roentgen

B. rem (or sievert)

C. rad (or gray)

D. Becquerel

22. Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) has a half-life of 66 hours. After 132 hours, how much of an initial sample of 10 Ci of Mo-99 would remain?

A. 10 Ci

B. 5 Ci

C. 2.5 Ci

D. 1.25 Ci

23. 10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection against Radiation, is an example of

A. a regulation.

B. a license.

C. an ICRP report.

D. a guidance document.

24. The National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) and the International Council on Radiation Protection (ICRP) currently embrace what concept as a cornerstone of radiation protection philosophy?

A. TED (threshold erythema dose)

B. ALARA (as low reasonably achievable)

C. ALAP (as low as practicable)

D. TDS (time, distance and shielding)

25. In scientific notation, one millirem is written as

A. 10-3 rem

B. 10-4 rem

C. 103 rem

D. 104 rem

Reference no: EM13284629

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