Quotation regarding us health care

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Reference no: EM133340092

"U.S. health care is broken. Although other industries have transformed themselves using tools such as standardization of value-generating processes performance measurement and transparent reporting of quality, the application of these tools to health care is controversial, evoking fears of "cookbook medicine," loss of professional autonomy, a misinformed focus on the wrong care or a loss of individual attention and the personal touch in care delivery...Our current health care system is essentially a cottage industry of nonintegrated, dedicated artisans who eschew standardization....Growing evidence highlights the dangers of continuing to operate in a cottage-industry mode. Fragmentation of care has led to suboptimal performance." (Swenson et al. 2010, p. e12(1))

1. Do you agree with the following quotation regarding U.S. health care?

2. Has U.S. health care as it relates to this quote changed since 2010?

Reference no: EM133340092

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