Reference no: EM132401347
Quiz for Public Management-MGT-324
1. A logic model is:
a) A modular representation of a means of assessment
b) A schematic representation of an opportunities and threats analysis
c) A conceptual representation of a program's theory
d) A design used when diagramming various types of program threat assessments
2. The five types of program evaluations include:
a) A needs assessment
b) An assessment of program process
c) A program efficiency assessment
d) All of the above
3. The two primary types of field observations are:
a) Participant observations and nonparticipant observations
b) Participant observations and survey observations
c) Participant observations and policy observations
d) Deep field observations and shallow field observations
4. Federal spending legislation is contained in:
a) The Federal Budgetary Annual Act
b) The Management and Budget Act
c) Thirteen individual appropriations bills
d) Various outlay bills
5. Performance budgets require:
a) Giving over performing departments more money
b) The collection of information that tells whether performance levels have been met
c) Giving over performing departments less money
d) An audit by the GAO to be valid
6. In Zero-Based Budgeting:
a) Departments must defend their level of funding each year
b) Auditors can punish departments by zeroing-out their budgets
c) Legislative budgets are used instead of executive budgets
d) Department heads are unable to set priorities
7. What is central to the Path-Goal theory of leadership?
a) Situational traits
b) The Least-Preferred Coworker Scale
c) Employee motivation
d) None of the above
8. Which of the following are types of leadership power?
a) Reward power
b) Legitimate power
c) Referent power
d) All of the above
9. According to Roberts, condoning corruption:
a) Is the result of lowering ethical expectations
b) Means clerks can observe white-collar crime without stopping it
c) Comes from employees surreptitiously objecting to the use of logging
d) Comes from cracking down on undocumented expenses
10. Public employees must be able to work within the framework of:
a) Loyalty to the organization
b) Responsiveness to the needs of the public
c) Consideration for the employees' own objectives and desires
d) All of the above