Queue and content of countdown timer-using priority queue

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Reference no: EM1372823

At time 230 five processes (P1 - P5) are waiting for a timeout signal. They are scheduled to wake up at times: 260, 320, 360, 430, 450.

(a) Using a priority queue with time differences show the queue and content of the countdown timer at time 230.

(b) P1 wakes up and immediately issues a call to SetLTimer(tn, 50). Show the priority queue after the call. (call takes no time).

(c) P1 issues the same call to SetLTimer(tn, 60) immediately after it wakes up again. Show the new priority queue.

(d) P2 wakes up and immediately issues a call to SetLTimer(tn, 45). Show the priority queue after the call.

Reference no: EM1372823

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