Questionwhile out at a consulting engagement one of your

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Reference no: EM13377318


While out at a consulting engagement, one of your graduate staff members comes to you with the following question, ‘I'm confused. Since I first studied AIS at uni, I have never really understood this concept of control . . . I mean what is the relationship among the control environment, organisational objectives and the internal control system?'

Prepare a response to the graduate's concerns. You should include a description of what an internal control is, the relationship between internal control components, organisational objectives and the different divisions of the organisation, and a description of the control environment, general controls and application controls and how they relate to one another.

Do not simply copy concepts directly from text. Read other sources about internal control from other texts, the web, articles from the library or elsewhere and provide examples to help explain your arguments. Make sure you reference material using APA format.

Reference no: EM13377318

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