Reference no: EM13350544
1. Which of the following isn't a characteristic of a well-structured decision?
a.) Response is programmed
b.) Straight forward
c.) Clearly defined
d.) Custom response required
2. Which of the following is least associated to the concept of ‘span of control'
a.) Tall vs. Flat organizational structure
b.) Number of people supervised by a supervisor
c.) Wide vs. narrow span of control are adjectives used to describe the concept
d.) Succession planning
3. A police officer uses a court order to custody a criminal suspect is exercising ______________.
a.) referent power
b.) legitimate power
c.) reward power
d.) expert power
4. Which of the following isn't one of Dr.Lee's reminder to the class?
a.) Us the three ‘T' methodology to presentation in preparing, tell as well as reminding audience of your presented ideas.
b.) Use footer as well as header wisely for creating a clear and professional presentation.
c.) There are in excess of 3T ways to make culture for encouraging as well as sustaining innovation.
d.) Obligation of commitment is a decision making criteria for rational decision making
5. John wants to work extra hours for his manager without extra compensation for the reason that he admires as well as respects his manager. John's manager has ______________ over him.
a.) referent power
b.) legitimate power
c.) reward power
d.) expert power
6. Which of the subsequent is one of the elements of job characteristics according to the Hackman job characteristic model?
a.) task significance
b.) task identity
c.) job enrichment
d.) job enlargement
7. A learner who can abstract conceptualize will favour all of the following learning approaches except_____________.
a.) Teacher as communicator of information
b.) Well-structured presentation of ideas
c.) Theory reading
d.) Peer feedback and discussion
8. Which of the subsequent is a decision making step that people easily miss in a rational decision making process according to our discussion in class?
a.) Identify the correct problem for treatment
b.) Evaluate if the problem defined is resolved
c.) Identifying what is relevant and irrelevant for assessing the decision alternatives
d.) Allocating weight to the decision criteria
9. According to Kolb's learning styles inventory, what are two contrasting ways for evaluating, interpreting and responding to information?
a.) Concrete experience and active experimentation
b.) Abstract conceptualization and reflective observation
c.) Concrete experience and abstract conceptualization
d.) Active experimentation and reflective observation
10. The concept of Human Resources Planning is optional to be most directly related to
a.) Developing a pool of candidate/talent
b.) Promoting innovation
c.) Facilitate ethical decision making
d.) Enhancing team communication
11. As per to David Kolb this learner style is best suited for careers that need the use of machines and technology.
a.) Converging style
b.) Accommodating style
c.) Assimilating style
d.) Diverging style
12. People of this learning style are best fit to be Artist, Social Workers or Human Resources managers according to Kolb's learning style inventory.
a.) Converging style
b.) Accommodating style
c.) Assimilating style
d.) Diverging style
13. When there is high conformity as well as low deviance in a group, the group's performance is likely to be-
a.) high because the group cannot control its members' behaviour
b.) High because the group is cohesive
c.) Low because the group is too satisfied
d.) Low because the group fails to change dysfunctional norms
14. All of the subsequent is true about Six-sigma except_________________.
a.) It is a quality initiative used by numerous service industries today to improve business as well as operational processes
b.) It means less than 3.4 defect per million quantitatively
c.) Master Black Belt is one of the managerial targets for achievement and evaluation
d.) The basic responsibility of Six Sigma programs falls on front-line management
15. All of the subsequent are process theories of motivation except______________.
a.) Equity theory
b.) Goal-setting theory
c.) Expectancy theory
d.) Hierarchy of needs
16. Which of the following isn't true about the Matrix Design in an organizational structure?
a.) Employees focus on one organizational goal at a time
b.) Some employees have dual (or even triple or more) reporting relationships
c.) Power struggle, overlapping responsibilities, and conflict are common
d.) Intense politics and high coordination costs are part of its characteristics
17. According to Hackman as well as Oldham's Job Characteristics model, meaningfulness of work is determined by all of the following except_______________.
a.) Skill variety
b.) Task variety
c.) Task significance
d.) Responsibility level
18. If a person wishes to move up in the general management hierarchy, what must the person do?
a.) Become a specialist
b.) Develop a niche
c.) Become a specialist while developing a niche
d.) Build a broad knowledge base
19. As-per to this motivation theory specific as well as challenging goals are regulators of performance.
a.) goal-setting theory
b.) sociotechnical theory
c.) goal-enhancing theory
d.) cognitive theory
20. Immanuel Kant recommended which of the subsequent approaches to ethics?
a.) Act only if that act could be acted out universally
b.) Act to help others even if they result in personal loss
c.) The character of the moral agent is the key to ethical thinking
d.) Act to be congruent with the organizational value system
21. This rule suggests that a manager must compare as well as contrast the various alternatives based on how well they will fairly divide the benefits and harms.
a.) Justice Rule
b.) Stakeholder Rule
c.) Practical Rule
d.) Categorical Rule
22. Morals comes from a Greek word that means?
a.) character
b.) Belief
c.) Cognition
d.) Righteousness
23. All of the succeeding are true about span of control in an organization EXCEPT
a.) Narrower span of control requires an organization to hire less managers
b.) A manager who supervises 25 employees is considered having a wide span of control
c.) Span of control influence a manager's ability to coordinate and supervise
d.) Job tasks that are routine as well as interrelated can consider the use of wide span of control
24. According to Robbins as well as Cenzo (1998) directive decision making style has the following characteristics except_______.
a.) rational
b.) Efficient
c.) Low tolerance for ambiguity
d.) Intuitive
25. As per to Robbins and Cenzo (1998), conceptual decision making style has the subsequent characteristics except_______. ?
a.) high tolerance for ambiguity
b.) lack short term implementation guidelines
c.) intuitive
d.) rational
26. Appreciation of commitment is a drawback discussed in which of the following topics?
a.) Decision Making
b.) Ethical Leadership
c.) Communicating Ethically
d.) Motivating High Performing Individuals
27. A college professor considers her teachings in her management course influences the lives of her students. Which core job dimension is demonstrated as per to the Job characteristics model?
a.) Skill variety
b.) Task identity
c.) Task significance
d.) Autonomy
28. Which of the following isn't a motivator according to the Two-factor theory?
a.) career development
b.) recognition
c.) base pay
d.) bonus
29. If you supposed your team's development was in the storming stage which of the subsequent behaviours would you most likely see?
a.) Dependence
b.) Coalitions being formed
c.) Conformity to standards and expectations
d.) Unconditional commitment to the team
30. Which of the following isn't a dimension discussed in Goleman's emotional intelligence?
a.) Empathy
b.) Effectiveness
c.) Social Skills
d.) Self Awareness