Question regarding alzheimer disease

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Reference no: EM1358795

You are the presenter of the Alzheimer's disease (AD) support group. Design a short presentation around the questions given below that will help children understand the changes that occur in a person with AD:

What is memory? Explain short- and long-term memory. How are long- and short-term memories involved in memory impairment for someone diagnosed with AD?

How does AD affects a person's memory?

What are the main stages of AD?

What are the behavioral and memory-related changes for each stage?

Remember, this presentation is for children in the age group of six to eight years old, so you will need to explain to a group who has little knowledge of memory or the disease.

Reference no: EM1358795

Questions Cloud

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Question regarding alzheimer disease : You are the presenter of the Alzheimer's disease (AD) support group. Design a short presentation around the questions given below that will help children understand the changes that occur in a person with AD
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