Questions on population growth

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM1318694

Question: Your group will develop four different population scenarios for a town. As a group, you will decide on the name of the town & the initial population. You will graph the function for each population scenario & use your model to make some decisions about the population. 

 [A] Decide on a name of a rural town.  

[B] Decide on an initial population, P0, of the town in the year 2010. Choose an initial population between 1000-5000. Use this value of P0 for each of the scenarios.

 [C]  You will investigate four different scenarios of population growth or decline in this town.

  1. Linear growth
  2. Growth modeled by a quadratic equation
  3. Growth modeled by a radical equation
  4. Population decline modeled by a rational equation
  5. Assume that the amount that your town's population grows each year is fixed (or constant).

Graph this function in Microsoft Excel or another web-based graphing utility by plotting the points found in your chart in part a. Label your axes with time on the x-axis & population on the y-axis.  Read the information in the assignments list to learn more about how to graph in MS Excel.  

Reference no: EM1318694

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