Question on international trade

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1373373

1. Assume we decline to sell goods to any country that decrease or halted its exports to us. Who would profit and who would lose from such retaliation? Can you advise optional ways to ensure import supplies? Are there any particular imported commodities that you or your firm rely on? What has happened to the supply of these imports over the years?

2. Domestic producers often base their claim for import protection in the fact that workers in country X are paid substandard wages. Is this a valid argument for protection? Can you give examples of when it did/did not work? Is there any trade restriction that the US government could impose that would have a negative/positive impact on your organization? Explain.

3. How do efficiency techniques differ in the short- versus long-run when attempting to maximize profits? What specific incentives are used in your workplace to promote efficiency? What conflicts may exist between a firm's desire to maximize profits and its ethical obligations? Can you give an example from your place of work?


Reference no: EM1373373

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