Question of proposal1 outline the general management topic

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Reference no: EM13374227

Question of proposal

1. Outline the general management topic or problem that you plan to address in your dissertation. Use the Dissertation Proposal Proforma and refer to the Proforma Notes as reference.

2. Explain how your selection of the topic or problem is influenced by your epistemological perspectives. This assignment will support the draft of Section 1 of your Proposal. Remember to write concisely.

Supplementary information

1. Topic (conceptual): Research on incentive system of the multinational small/medium enterprises in emerging markets and effect of performance management

2. Key words: Incentive system, Flexible benefits programs, organizational culture, employee retention, organizational change management and performance management

3. General description: Conduct a research on the incentive system that effects the employee performance management and organizational performance outcome of small or medium enterprises in emerging markets such as India, China and etc. To reveal some potential relation with western nations and seek for a proper management approach for the HRM in such companies.

File list

1. Example Dissertation Proposal;

2. Dissertation Proposal PROFORMA NOTES


Tips on individual sections:

1. Aim, objectives and feasibility of the dissertation

In this section, explain your topic area. Include appropriate background information and an explanation of why this topic is of interest to you (and why it should be of interest to others). What is motivating your research? What is the potential benefit to your firm or industry? What actions may result from the valuable insights gained? What is the academic angle of your research? How does it tie in with your management studies from your modules? What underlying academic theories and constructs are of particular relevance to your research?

Next, clearly state the aim of your research. This should be a general but concise statement indicating the purpose of the study. Then, consider what you intend to achieve through your dissertation (i.e. present your research questions). Follow this with the research objectives. What specific objectives (analyse, investigate, explain, etc.) do you intend to meet during the course of the research to achieve the aim of the study?

Finally, include a brief discussion of the feasibility of your study. Do you have the necessary resources (such as access to requisite data, consent of your organisation, some indication of the willingness of subjects to be questioned or interviewed, etc.)? You will need to be able to demonstrate that this is feasible for a 7-month project.

You should start to draft this Proposal section for your RM module during Week 1 & Week 2 Proposal Assignments, then refine it further over the next 2 weeks and then with your DA in Weeks 5-7.

2. Literature review

In this section, you will discuss how your work fits with the existing published work. Compare and contrast the sources with each other and with your approach. At least half of the sources must be from refereed academic journals, which will be found in the online library. Citations from the main textbooks used for your modules are NOT sufficient here. However, you may find it useful to use the bibliographies in these texts to point you in the direction of some initial, more detailed, academic papers.

List your references in a bibliography at the end of your Proposal, using the Harvard referencing system. These references will comprise part of your full bibliography once your dissertation gets started. They can also be included in your literature review chapter of your final submission.

You should start to draft this literature review section for your RM module during the Week 3 Proposal Assignment and then refine it further, both in Week 4 and with your DA in Weeks 5-7.

3. Research methodology and methods

Your dissertation gives you the opportunity to explore in detail some aspect of theory, knowledge or skills that you have encountered during the taught modules of your degree. The research process that you will undertake will require you to engage in some way with theory and its relationship to managerial practice. However, there are different ways that you might approach this task. In this section, you will discuss your research methodology. Consider the epistemological approach that you intend to take-is it positivist, relativist or constructionist? Your epistemological approach will inform the research design you choose (action research, survey, case study, etc.). Next, consider the research methods that you will use to collect both the secondary and primary data. Will you undertake a pilot study? What about your questionnaire design and sample? You must be able to justify your choice in terms of your learning objectives, your research question and your research approach.

4. The reference list

The reference list should:

a) Include only sources you have cited above; and

b) Comply fully with our Harvard referencing requirements.

Verified Expert

Reference no: EM13374227

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