Question in unix os

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM136901

What if we need the portion from a text based on some keyword.
For eg. My file is like below,
Order=[<order id="EO427849240">
Order=[<order id="EO427849241">
Order=[<order id="EO427849242">
Order=[<order id="EO427849243">
Now i want the middle portion where i found EO427849242. I tried with sed but it does not give me the desired result.
I used the command,
sed -n '/Sandy Order/,/Sandy Order/p' Filename
and it gives me the all the portion in the file from Start=Sandy Order and end=Sandy Order
When I use the below command,
sed -n '/Sandy Order/,/Sandy Order/p' Filename | grep EO427849242
it only gave me the line 
Order=[<order id="EO427849242">
But what i need is 
Order=[<order id="EO427849242">
Can anyone please help me on this. It will be really helpful.

Reference no: EM136901

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Question in unix os : What if we need the portion from a text based on some keyword. Now i want the middle portion where i found EO427849242. I tried with sed but it does not give me the desired result.
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