Question in the simplest way possible

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131523117

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Please assist with addressing the following question in the simplest way possible. 

  • As a Project Manager, identify a project and establish at least three measures of quality for the project. The measures can be for inputs, processes, outputs, or some other metric you identify as essential to the project. Be specific as to where the quality for the element you name is measured or validated.
  • What happens if your idea of quality differs from the customer's idea of quality? Which definition of quality "wins"? What steps can you take to ensure you and the customer agree on what constitutes the necessary quality for the project? How can you relay the importance of meeting this level of quality to your team?
  • Failure to meet project quality does pose a risk to the project. What steps can you as the project manager establish to ensure that this risk is eliminated, reduced, or mitigated? How will you measure the effectiveness of your strategy?

Reference no: EM131523117

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Question in the simplest way possible : As a Project Manager, identify a project and establish at least three measures of quality for the project.
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