Reference no: EM132928282
Question - Identifying CAFR disclosures
The financial section of a CAFR includes management's discussion and analysis, government- wide and fund financial statements, the notes to the financial statements, required supplementary information, and combining financial statements for nonmajor funds. The financial section is followed by the statistical section. State where each of the following would be reported in a CAFR using the following for your answers: MD&A, Notes, RSI, and Statistical.
1. A description of the component units of a reporting entity, including the criteria for including them in the reporting entity, and their relationship to the primary government.
2. Description of facts, decisions, or conditions known to management that are expected to significantly affect the government's financial position.
3. Disclosure of the original budgets for estimated revenues, appropriations, and estimated other financing sources (uses), the final budgets for these items, and the actual inflows and outflows for the year for the general fund.
4. 10-year schedules of data relevant to a government's revenue capacity, such as taxable assessed value and estimated actual value of taxable real property.
5. The time period(s) used to determine availability when applying the modified accrual basis of accounting to property tax and other general fund revenues.
6. A description of pension plans, including types of benefits and major elements of the pension formulas, number of employees covered, and contribution requirements.
7. A list of the principal employers and property tax payers for the current and the previous 9 years.
8. A discussion of significant differences in specific items reported on the government-wide financial statements this year compared to the previous year.
9. A schedule that discloses the funding progress and employer contributions for public safety pension plans.
10. Disclosure of interest rate risk and credit risk related to investments made by the government.
11. A schedule which discloses the unmatured principal amounts for all general obligation bonds as of the balance sheet date.
12. A description of each of the major governmental funds.