Question hierarchy of section

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13166899

Add a class NumericQuestion to the question hierarchy of Section 9.1. If the response and the expected answer differ by no more than 0.01, then accept the response as correct.

Add a class FillInQuestion to the question hierarchy of Section 9.1. Such a question is constructed with a string that contains the answer, surrounded by _ _, for example, "The inventor of Java was _James Gosling_". The question should be displayed as
The inventor of Java was _____

Modify the checkAnswer method of the Question class so that it does not take into account different spaces or upper/lowercase characters. For example, the response "JAMES gosling" should match an answer of "James Gosling"

Add a class AnyCorrectChoiceQuestion to the question hierarchy of Section 9.1 that allows multiple correct choices. The respondent should provide any one of the cor- rect choices. The answer string should contain all of the correct choices, separated by spaces. Provide instructions in the question text

Reference no: EM13166899

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