Reference no: EM1375643
Environmentalists argue that trade liberalization harmful for the environment. The decisions of World Trade Organization (WTO) in particular have been subject of much criticism. Carbaugh has described environmentalists' three primary assertions (Carbaugh, 2004) but chose the one below:
Trade liberalization encourages trade in products that create global pollution ("pollution havens").
Proponents of trade liberalization argue that freer trade might actually improve the quality of the environment. For example, the international environmental policy of the U.S. and other industrial nations is based on the "polluter-pays principle." This approach is intended to give producers the incentive to develop more pollution-control techniques (Carbaugh, 2004).
Approach this exercise in critical thinking; your goal is to represent a party's argument as accurately and as thoroughly as possible.
For each argument and counter-argument, present the following information (find reasons for agreement):
1.The party you represent
2.Your party's interests or objectives
3.Your party's assertion
4.A summary of the available evidence that supports your party's assertion and/or examples that illustrate the assertion
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