Question about pricing

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM1374519

Suppose you suddenly realize that your demand estimates might have some uncertainty in them. How might you change value of surplus you give to the customers because of this?

When you do not know the right demand, you cannot set the right price. So, instead of setting the price first, how can you find out the right price when there are some uncertainty in your demand estimate?


Reference no: EM1374519

Questions Cloud

Discuss short and long run costs : Discuss short and long run expenses. For the short run discuss the relationship in cost and production theory and the idea of diminishing returns.
Differences between short and long run costs : Discuss and explain the differences between short and long run costs and for the short run, discuss what the relationship is in cost theory and production theory and concept of diminishing returns?
Graphing the supply and demand curves : Assume you are an aid to a government official planning on some recently proposed excise tax on welfare of her constituents.
Question about demand curves : The demand for new motor homes in the US is highly cyclical and sensitive to diesel fuel values and interest rates. Given these characteristics, explain the effect of the following on quantity demanded
Question about pricing : Suppose you suddenly realize that your demand estimates might have some uncertainty in them. How might you change value of surplus you give to the customers because of this?
Impact of incentives on production plans : Suppose you manage a United States based firm that makes shoe laces that you sell in a highly competitive market your shoe laces are considered a standardized commodity through your consumers
Economy with a fixed exchange rate system : Think a small open economy with a fixed exchange rate system. Assume there is a general expectation that central bank will revalue the domestic currency in the future
Question about oligopoly : America's Water Meter Industry is dominated through 4-companies: Rockwell, Badger, Neptune and Hersey. Rockwell has 35 percent market share, and the remaining share rest.
Question about aggregate consumption function : The government make a decision to finance the increased expenditures need to  close the GDP gap, by rising taxes. Determine the necessary changes in government spending and taxes to close the GDP gap?


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