Question about oracle9i database

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380323

Question: Provide every worker in the Local Locale Company the privileges required to query and update the NEWS_ARTICLE table and the CLASSIFIED_AD table. Write only two commands to accomplish this task. Save your work as a .sql file.

Reference no: EM1380323

Questions Cloud

Illustrate what changes do you think will occur : Speculate on applicability of Gunelius's analysis to your business idea for this course. Do you think se trends will remain relevant through next decade. Illustrate what changes do you think will occur also explain why.
Discuss and define complex data binding : Discuss and define complex data binding and what benefits can this capability lend to a multiple table database application?
Determine strength of causal relationship : Determine strength of causal relationship between monthly sales also new home construction by using correlation.
Which forecast appears to be more accurate : Compute a weighted 3-month moving average forecast for months 4 through 9. Assign weights of .55, .33 also .12 to months in sequence, starting with most recent month. Compare two forecasts by using MAD. Which forecast appears to be more accurate.
Question about oracle9i database : Provide every worker in the Local Locale Company the privileges required to query and update the NEWS_ARTICLE table and the CLASSIFIED_AD table.
Discuss advantages also disadvantages of intermediaries : Discuss advantages also disadvantages of utilizing intermediaries like wholesalers, agents also brokers to distribute your organizations products or services.
Discuss advantages also disadvantages of intermediaries : Discuss advantages also disadvantages of utilizing intermediaries like wholesalers, agents also brokers to distribute your organizations products or services.
Explain why do you think this matter is more problematic : Controversial topics in advertising comprise creating a culture of excessive consumerism. Explain why do you think this matter is more problematic
Illustrate sources also forms of his authority : Illustrate explain how you believe of a person will have to proceed in establishing herself as legitimate possessor of supervisory authority on unit also illustrate sources also forms of his authority that he can use it.


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