Question about lan operating systems

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379504

Read the three scenarios below, then answer the questions that follow each scenario in 200 to 300 words total.

Question1. Assume you are network administrator for a new corporation that has ten users and plans to add five more users within a year. The files need to be accessed by all ten users and each user must have different security rights. What kind of network would you install and how would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? Define each component.

Question2. You are the network administrator for a company that has a peer-to-peer network. How would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? Define all of the components of this type of network.

Question3. You are the administrator of a client-server environment. What kind of network would you install and how would the pieces and components of this network relate to each other? Define each component of a typical client-server environment.

Reference no: EM1379504

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