Question about internet use policies

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379143

Question: Internet use policies are often utilized in corporations. Conduct independent research on these and construct an Internet use policy for your company or an organization of your choice. Specify how this is particularly relevant to your local situation, and explain why you have rejected some provisions in other Internet use documents you have read (Provide references to the work and add a personal conclusion to the work, length of 500 - 750 words. References do not count to the wording count).

Reference no: EM1379143

Questions Cloud

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Question about internet use policies : Internet use policies are often utilized in corporations. Conduct independent research on these and construct an Internet use policy for your company or an organization of your choice.
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Find the total number of bytes in the frame : Determine how long does it take to transmit a 10baseT Ethernet frame that contains 256 bytes of data and ignore all the interframe gap that follows the frame.
Minimum length of ethernet frames : Discuss how many minimum length Ethernet frames can a ten Mbps switch port forward in one second, assuming no collision?


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