Question about c programming

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM1378977

Question1. Write a conditional that assigns true ( 1 ) to the variable fever if the variable temperature is greater than 98.6 .

Question2. Construct a conditional that assigns 10,000 to the variable bonus if the value of the variable goodsSold is greater than 500,000 .

Question3 Write an if/else statement that compares the double variable pH with 7.0 and makes the following assignments to the int variables neutral , base , and acid :
0, 0, 1 if pH is less than 7
0, 1, 0 if pH is greater than 7
1, 0, 0 if pH is equal to 7.

Question4Write an if/else statement that adds 1 to the variable minors if the variable age is less than 18 , adds 1 to the variable adults if age is 18 through 64 , and adds 1 to the variable seniors if age is 65 or older.

Question5. Given the integer variables x and y , write a fragment of code that assigns the larger of x and y to another integer variable max .

Assume that grade is a variable whose value is a letter grade-- any one of the following letters: 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'W', 'I'. Assume further that there are the following int variables, declared and already initialized: acount, bcount, ccount, dcount, ecount, fcount, wcount, icount.

Write a switch statement that increments the appropriate variable (acount, bcount, ccount, etc.) depending on the value of grade. So if grade is 'A' then account is incremented; if grade is'B' then bcount is incremented, and so on.

Question6. Write a switch statement that tests the value of the char variable response and performs the following actions:
if response is y , the message Your request is being processed is printed
if response is n , the message Thank you anyway for your consideration is printed
if response is h , the message Sorry, no help is currently available is printed
for any other value of response , the message Invalid entry; please try again is printed

Question7. Write an if/else statement that compares the value of the variables sold Yesterday and sold Today , and based upon that comparison, assigns sales Trend the value -1 or 1 .

-1 represents the case where sold Yesterday is greater than sold Today ; 1 represents the case where sold Yesterday is not greater than sold Today .


Reference no: EM1378977

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