Question 1what are the two main types of industrial

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13348329


What are the two main types of industrial ventilation which are used to control airborne contaminants in a work environment? Name three typical conditions where the two methods of ventilation can be suitably used respectively.

In general terms, what are the conditions for which each system would be an appropriate method of control and the specific action needed to help overcome four main shortcomings?


Explain what is meant by the term Threshold Limit Values (TLVs). Describe briefly the different TLVs used by Industrial Hygienists.

Outline the strengths and weaknesses of these occupational exposure limits and illustrate how they may best be used as part of an overall control strategy for hazardous substances.


You are the registered Safety & Health Officer of a textile milling factory. The
Occupational Safety & Health Inspectorate have told your management that the workforce has a probable overexposure to noise. The reaction of management is to ask you to issue ear protective devices to employees.

How would you evaluate the noise problem at the factory and what control measures would you consider before you recommend the supply of hearing protection to personnel exposed to high intensity noise ?


Reference no: EM13348329

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