Question 1a outline the provisions of occupational safety

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13348267


(a) Outline the provisions of Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005 with regard to Substances hazardous to health

(b) Describe four types of hazard which arise from the use of chemicals


(a) List ten hazards that should be considered when conducting a Job Safety Analysis

(b) Describe the steps involved in conducting a Job Safety Analysis


(a) Describe the aims and objectives of safety education and training stating their importance to (i) new entrants, (ii) middle management and (iii) line management and supervisors

(b) Describe briefly the meaning of Behaviour-Based Safety Programmes enumerating the features and advantages of these programmes

(c) Describe the importance of inculcating a health and safety culture in an organisation in the measurement of health and safety performance in the organisation

Reference no: EM13348267

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