Question 1a give explanation why it is significant to

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Reference no: EM13349299


(a) Give explanation why it is significant to follow Web Engineering principles, taking into account how the web has evolved during the last few years.

(b) List five dissimilar kinds of web applications and give a case in point in each case.

(c) Express five confronts of web application development.

(d) Trace five steps of the Web Engineering methodology.


(a) UML-based Web Engineering (UWE) is a methodology that focuses on discovering a standard way for building analysis and intends models for web applications. Portray the three separate models used in UWE.

(b) Tell the improvements of applying these models to the expansion of web applications.

(c) A web application is used to deal with the activities in a hospital. Patients appeal an appointment with any doctor. Existing patients' details are retrieved by the system while new patients' details are input in the system when they apply for an appointment. The desk officer confirms the scheduled time based on the availability of free slots for the individual doctors and informs the patient of the appointment details.

Draw the use case and sequence diagrams for the web application used by the hospital.


(a) Express the three-tier architecture used in object-oriented web application development.

(b) Object Oriented Web Solutions (OOWS) make available the User Model extension for modeling web applications. Illustrate the role played by this extension.

(c) Depict the four most important steps of the OOWS development strategy.

(d) Record five zone contents typically bring into being in a web page.


(a) Portray the purpose of the Requirements Analysis step in the Web Modeling Language (WebML) methodology.

(b) Illustrate the four chief results of the Requirements Analysis step.

(c) Illustrate what intend patterns are in the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method and the magnitude of using them.

(d) Depict the four design pattern types that can be used in the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method.

Reference no: EM13349299

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