Reference no: EM13347748
Question 1
A doubly linked list is like a linked list except that each node has a pointer both to the next node in the list and to the previous node in the list. There are also pointers to the two ends of the lists, called for example Left and Right. The values should be stored in order with the least value at the left and the greatest value at the right. Thus a list with 4 nodes containing the data 3,6,7,10 should look like this:
Write a class which will store a doubly linked list of integers (or another type if you prefer) in order, and which will allow the following operations:
1. A constructor and a destructor.
2. Insert a new element chosen by the user at the correct place in the list; for example inserting 8 in the list above will give the list 3, 6, 7, 8, 10.
3. Delete a data element chosen (by value) by the user, for example deleting 6 from the list above will leave 3, 7, 10.
4. List elements from left to right (i.e. in ascending order).
5. List elements from right to left (i.e. in descending order).
You should also write a suitable main program to allow comprehensive testing of the class and its operations.
Question 2
A museum has a collection of old posters advertising events of various kinds (theatre, sport, fairs, lectures etc.). It wishes to keep a record of these, containing, for each poster
1. a reference number,
2. a short description of the event being advertised,
3. the date (day, month, year) of the event.
A program is required which allows the user to enter the details of the posters (in arbitrary order). It should then be able to produce a list of the posters, in order of the date of the event advertised, and split up into different centuries (i.e. 1701-1800, 1801-1900 etc.). You can assume that no poster has a date earlier than 1100. If there is more than one event on the same day, they should be given in alphabetical order of the event description. Write a program which allows all of this to be done.