Question 1a discuss in details on five types of health

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13348242


(a) Discuss in details on five types of health effects related to exposure to hazardous substances encountered in industry. Support your answer with relevant examples

(b) Why is the liver at particular risk of damage from hazardous substances? What conditions may be caused?


The effect of a hazardous substance depends on the concentration of the substance that is present in the body's systems. The concentration depends on the stages of toxicokinetics

(a) What are the four main stages of toxicokinetics?

(b) What are the main objectives of xenobiotic metabolism?

(c) Discuss in details the principles of biotransformation differentiating clearly the phases involved. Explain your answer with relevant examples

(d) Concisely discuss the four routes of excretion of hazardous substances from the body?


(a) There is a range of different techniques that may be used to process and fabricate metal products. This includes machining, grinding and welding (or flame cutting) of metals and metal alloys. Discuss the main hazardous substances encountered during these process operations and their associated health effects

(b) What are the main hazardous substances encountered during painting operations?


A 250 litre drum containing dichloromethane (colourless volatile liquid) has been knocked over by a forklift truck and the contents have been spilled over the floor inside a production area. Workers are concerned about whether it is safe to enter the area

(a) Deliberate on the possible routes of entry of dichloromethane inside the body considering the workers continue to work in the production area

(b) How dichloromethane transported and metabolised in the body?

(c) Why is the concept of ‘half-life' of dichloromethane important?

Reference no: EM13348242

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