Question 1a ceos usually talk about developing a learning

Assignment Help Financial Management
Reference no: EM13347760

Question 1

(a). CEO's usually talk about developing a Learning Organization? What is meant by a Learning Organization?

(b) What kind of Organization climate do you think is necessary to have a Learning Organization? Do you consider this is possible in a family run business?

Question 2

How can the conventional financial accounting system be made to serve the purpose of operational control ? Explain the role of organizational system in strategic evaluation?

Question 3

Successful change programs are always initiated by the Top Management. Explain how the culture of the company can be both a driver as an inhibitor of the process of change.

Question 4

Define the term Social Responsibility. Select an example of a Company action that was legal but not socially responsible. Defend your example on the basis of your definition.

Reference no: EM13347760

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