Reference no: EM13370579
Question 1: The Heliconius butterflies are a classic example of Müllerian mimicry. Which of the following defines a pair of species exhibiting Müllerian mimicry?
A. One species is noxious to predators, and another palatable species mimics the appearance of the noxious species
B. Both species are noxious but do not look alike
C. Neither species are noxious
D. Both species are noxious and resemble one another
Question 2: The graph shown below comes from studies of flies and their parasitoid. In the control cage any flies that successfully pupated were removed and replaced with new pupa. In the experimental cage any fly that successfully evaded infection was left. Does the difference between the control and experimental cage tell us that:

A. The parasitoid became less virulent over time
B. The fly became more resistant over time
C. The parasitoid host switched with another host
D. All of the above
Question 3: Which of the following defines an obligate mutualistic relationship?
A. Consumption of a resource by a consumer
B. A relationship between two species where both species benefit, but this relationship is only observed infrequently
C. A relationship between two species where both species benefit, and neither species can survive without the other
D. A relationship between two species where one species benefits at the detriment to the other
E. A relationship between two species where neither species benefits
Question 4: Allelopathy describes an interaction between two species where
A. One species benefits at the cost of the other
B. Both species benefits
C. One species produces a compound that reduces the fitness of another species
D. One species produced a compound that increases the fitness of both species
Question 5: Which of the following best describes an example of interspecific competition?
A. A little of pups competing for their mother's milk
B. Male Gorillas competing for mates
C. Two red maples competing for sunlight
D. Gray, and Green Tree Frogs competing for space to attract mates
Question 6: In a predator-prey system such as lynx and snowshoe hares, which of the following scenarios would you expect after an increase in the numbers of hares
A. That both hares and lynx will stay at a constant population
B. That the lynx population will increase
C. That the hare population will decrease
D. That both hares and lynx will decrease
Question 7: Which of the following described a hemiparasitic relationship?
A. A parasite that lives internally within the host
B. A parasite that is totally dependent on its host for nutrients
C. A parasite that lives externally on the host
D. A parasite that gets some of its nutrients from its host