Question 1 for the following hypothesis testho nbsp mu

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM13376416

Question 1: For the following hypothesis test:

Ho:   μ ≤  45

HA  : μ > 45

      α = 0.02

with n = 80. σ = 9, and x‾ = 47.1, state

a.    the decision rule in terms of the critical value of the test statistic

b.    the calculated value of the test statistic

c.    the appropriate p-value

d.    the conclusion

Question 2:  A test of hypothesis has the following hypotheses:

Ho: p ≤ 0.45

HA: p > 0.45

For a sample size of 30, and a sample proportion of 0.55

a. For an α = 0.025, determine the critical value.

b. Calculate the numerical value of the test statistic.

c. State the test's conclusion.

d. Determine the p-value.

Total 9 problems, attached below:

Attachment:- Chapter9and10HW.pdf

Reference no: EM13376416

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