Question 1 for each sentence below state whether the

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Reference no: EM13347398

Question 1

For each sentence below state whether the modifiers that follow the verb are complements or adjuncts.

(i) Ignore the subject NP.

(ii) List comps and Adjuncts only. Do NOT write the sentence out in full.

i. IGNORE The cat

ii. ANALYSE disdainfully at the aardvark in the bar

1 Mma Makutsi wielded her knife expertly.

2 Mma Ramotswe always avoided such people.

3 With a sudden movement, Neil whipped the stick over the snake's back.

4 The peaches cost $4 a kilo in the store across the street.

5 The PNC took a more favourable position on the confederation with Jordan.

Adapted from Alexander McCall Smith, 2006, Blue Shoes and Happiness 

Walter LaQueur and Barry Rubin, eds., 2001, The Israel-Arab Reader

Question 2

Describe each of the following constructions:






Question 3

Identify all the modal verbs or modal constructions in the passage ‘Rules of the Road.' Provide ONLY the modal verb or modal construction as it appears in the text. List them in three rows, in the order they appear, under headings as follows




In the subsequent, one modal verb and one modal construction are in bold. If a person is convicted of an "extradition offence" in another country, New Zealand can request that country to surrender the person . . . but all countries are able to (= CAN) take stronger measures against software pirates.

If your vehicle has a non-retractable safety belt, you will need to adjust its length before you fasten it. There should be just enough room to slide the palm of your hand between the belt and your chest. You don't have to wear a safety belt if you hold a doctor's certificate.

At a crash site, the police may use signs, flashing lights and flares to warn approaching drivers. When coming up to a crash site, slow down and take care. The road may be blocked and there could be injured people lying on it. The sign shown at top right...means you may not drive at more than 20km/h. The triangle shown at right is a warning triangle. it can be placed on the side of the road by any road user.

Question 4

Rewrite each of the sentences below according to the instructions.


He runs two miles every day. It is excellent exercise.

Answer: Running two miles every day is excellent exercise.

1. The logger chopped down the tree and disturbed a swarm of bees in their nest.

2. The hunters slaughtered the bears. That was a despicable act.

3. Requiring a foreign language for a BA seems desirable.

4. Sarah plays poker very well. It is surpising that Sarah plays poker well.

5. Franklin Roosevelt was stricken by polio as a young man, but he hid it from the public for many years.

Reference no: EM13347398

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